
Osing tribe is a tribe located in East Java, to be exact in Banyuwangi. The word "Osing" in Indonesian means "No". So there is an anecdote that tells of the existence of the Osing itself, when strangers ask that you banyuwangi the Balinese or Javanese? they replied with the word "Osing" which means not both.

Osing tribe is also called the "Wong Blambangan", because the majority of the population is indigenous tribe Osing Banyuwangi.
Osing tribes occupy many districts in Banyuwangi, such as subdistrict Rogojampi, Singojuruh subdistrict, subdistrict Sempu, subdistrict Glagah, Kalipuro subdistrict, subdistrict Giri, Songgon subdistrict, Banyuwangi subdistrict, and central and northern parts. Osing tribe has a community called "Wong Osing" which means the natives banyuwangi.

Osing tribe has a language that is unique and different from the Java language called "Bahasa Osing". Osing Bahasa is a derivative of the ancient Javanese language as the language of Bali

Osing tribe originally Hindu-Buddhist religions. after the Islamic religion into parts Banyuwangi Osing until now predominantly Muslim. but the Hindu-Buddhist tradition is still found in traditional ceremonies but combined with Islamic law, such as the ceremony of "Selamatan Desa", "Petik Laut", and others. The majority work as farmers are Osing tribe, some trade, and a government employee.

Osing tribe has a lot of traditional art that is unique and everything is still undeniably mystical, like "Gandrung Dance", "Patrol", "Seblang", "Janger", "Jaranan", "Barong Dance", etc.  

Banyuwangi also has a traditional village Osing called "Desa Wisata Osing". The village is located in Kemiren village, Banyuwangi subdistrict Glagah. in this village we could see activity Osing Tribe which still survive to this day, such as Culturally, ceremonies, even Osing traditional house are still found in this village. 

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