Javanese "Suku Jawa"

The Javanese are the tribe that are in most of the island of Java, including Central Java, Yogyakarta, and East Java. The Javanese are the largest tribe in Indonesia. Approximately 41% of the population are ethnic Javanese. Javanese also located in Central America, precisely in Suriname. Javanese in Suriname is called the "Java Suriname". Javanese also has many sub-sub tribe such as "Osing", "Tengger", "Bawean", etc.
 In outline Javanese culture is divided into three Banyumasan culture, culture of Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java culture. Javanese culture prioritizes balance, harmony and harmony in their daily lives. Javanese culture upholds the modesty and simplicity. Some of them are Javanese culture "Wayang Kulit", "Batik", "Kris", and "Gamelan". Javanese culture is famous for his art is mainly influenced by the Hindu-Buddhist religion.

Javanese beliefs as a religion called "Javanese". This belief is mainly based on animism with Hindu-Buddhist influences are strong. Javanese syncretism is also famous for the nature of all foreign cultures are absorbed and interpreted in accordance with the values ​​of Java. But most of the rest are Muslim Javanese tribe is Catholic, Protestant, Hindu and Buddhist.

Javanese mostly using Java language in everyday speak. Java language has rules of vocabulary and intonation differences based on the relationship between the speaker and the listener, which is known as the "Unggah-Ungguh".

The majority of Javanese are farmers. While in urban areas they work as civil servants, employees, traders, businessmen, and others.

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