
"Kebo-Keboan" is a community tradition Banyuwangi East Java, precisely in the village of Alas Malang, Singojuruh Subdistrict. "Kebo-Keboan" held every month "Suro" in the Javanese calendar. Purpose of holding "Kebo-Keboan" is an expression of gratitude as well as keep community from all the distress

"Kebo-keboan" is expected to appear in the 18th century. reputedly, Alas Malang village was attacked by a prolonged outbreak of disease. that is, the type of disease that is very scary and hard to find a cure. If this disease early, the night will die. if this disease night, then next morning to die.

In 1960 to 1990 "kebo-keboan" once removed, making it appear strange happenings villages. and finally "kebo-keboan" held back until now. "Kebo-Keboan" begins by displaying the different types cash crop along the way. The streets of the village turned into rice fields with drain water from the river or rice fields nearby. Subsequently, conducted a prayer together led by an indigenous leader. Finished a prayer together continued with "Kenduri" or eat "Tumpeng" together totaled 12. Then begins the top event of "Ider Bumi".

"Ider Bumi" performed by a man who dressed like a buffalo, with the four corners surrounding the village and accompanied by a variety of traditional music. reputedly, the buffalo man in a trance because they act like the buffalo. on the way, the buffalo man rampage and tried butting the audience.

After "Ider Bumi", "Kebo - Keboan" to the rice fields and buffalo plowing fields like real. The event was followed by planting rice seeds are believed to bring fortune.

Now, "Kebo-Keboan" carried on every 10th of Muharram or the 10 "Suro" in the Javanese calendar.

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