
Jamu is a cultural heritage that exist in Indonesia for generations. Jamu is a traditional medicine that is very popular in Indonesia especially Javanese. Jamu made ​​from ingredients taken from plants such as roots applied, stem bark, leaves, and fruit.
This Jamu is very bitter taste but very effective in curing the disease, and also as a potent drug for men. although it is very bitter but the bitter taste that can be neutralized by giving honey or processed from Jamu are also called "Sinom".

Jamu initially sold with the way in "Gendong" is to bring a few bottles of Jamu in containers similar to "Bakul" and put it in the back of the Jamu seller. Jamu subsequently carried around the village or town. 

But along with the development Jamu are now widely sold in herbal medicine stalls and found very few sellers "Jamu Gendong"

In general, Jamu do not cause side effects, because herbs are made from natural ingredients. efficacy of Jamu has been proven over hundreds of years ago. There are many types of herbs that exist to this day. Among them:
  1. Jamu Beras Kencur  : Jamu Beras Kencur can eliminate fatigue after a day of activities. so that by taking these Jamu in guarantee the body will feel fresh again. Jamu Beras Kencur also can relieve a cough illness.
  2. Jamu Sinom : Sinom Jamu can be regarded as a drink "Adem-ademan" or refreshments body. After drinking Jamu guaranteed Sinom body will feel cold. Sinom Jamu can also cure heat in or sprue
  3. Jamu Cabe Puyang : Cabe Puyang Jamu can be interpreted by Jamu aching rheumatic pain because it can treat joint pain and the like. 
and many other Jamu with different properties and no less great.     

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