
"Kebo-Keboan" is a community tradition Banyuwangi East Java, precisely in the village of Alas Malang, Singojuruh Subdistrict. "Kebo-Keboan" held every month "Suro" in the Javanese calendar. Purpose of holding "Kebo-Keboan" is an expression of gratitude as well as keep community from all the distress

"Kebo-keboan" is expected to appear in the 18th century. reputedly, Alas Malang village was attacked by a prolonged outbreak of disease. that is, the type of disease that is very scary and hard to find a cure. If this disease early, the night will die. if this disease night, then next morning to die.

In 1960 to 1990 "kebo-keboan" once removed, making it appear strange happenings villages. and finally "kebo-keboan" held back until now. "Kebo-Keboan" begins by displaying the different types cash crop along the way. The streets of the village turned into rice fields with drain water from the river or rice fields nearby. Subsequently, conducted a prayer together led by an indigenous leader. Finished a prayer together continued with "Kenduri" or eat "Tumpeng" together totaled 12. Then begins the top event of "Ider Bumi".

"Ider Bumi" performed by a man who dressed like a buffalo, with the four corners surrounding the village and accompanied by a variety of traditional music. reputedly, the buffalo man in a trance because they act like the buffalo. on the way, the buffalo man rampage and tried butting the audience.

After "Ider Bumi", "Kebo - Keboan" to the rice fields and buffalo plowing fields like real. The event was followed by planting rice seeds are believed to bring fortune.

Now, "Kebo-Keboan" carried on every 10th of Muharram or the 10 "Suro" in the Javanese calendar.

Sego Cawuk

"Sego Cawuk" is derived from the culinary Banyuwangi in East Java. "Sego Cawuk" consists of rice mixed with coconut milk, sliced ​​cucumber, grated coconut, and "manage a turnaround" roasted corn. "Sego Cawuk" generally spicy taste.

In the presentation, "Sego Cawuk" is usually presented with a menu extra "pepesan" marine fish, salted duck eggs and other dishes according to taste. usually served on a plate or "dipincuk" with banana leaves.

To get the "Sego Cawuk" This must be morning, because "Sego Cawuk" is specifically used for breakfast. The price of a portion of "Sego Cawuk" usually around Rp.5000, - depending on the chosen side dish.

Now, the seller "Sego Cawuk" still found in Rogojampi and some other areas in Banyuwangi.

Gandrung Dance

Gandrung dance is one type of dance that originated from Banyuwangi, East Java. Gadrung word can be interpreted as an "enchanted". the term means infatuated enthralled Banyuwangi community against "Dewi Sri" which brought prosperity to the people in the form of a abundant rice harvest.

According to historical records, the first time infatuated danced by men who dressed as women and, according to Scholte (1927), the main instrument that accompanies the dance "gandrung Lanang" This is the drums. At that time, the violin has been used. However, "gandrung Lanang" This gradually from Banyuwangi disappeared around the 1890s, allegedly because Islam prohibits any activity that dress up like women. However, Gandrung Dance new male totally disappeared in 1914.

According to some sources, born gandrung Dance to entertain the forest loggers, accompanied the ceremony asked for survivors, with regard to a haunted forest clearing.

Dance traditions infatuated by "Semi" and then followed by his sisters using gandrung first name as her stage name. The art continues to grow then across Banyuwangi and the iconic local specialties. At first devoted only be danced by the descendants infatuated dancers before, but since the 1970's started a lot of young girls who are not descendants of the study devoted to this dance and make it as a source of livelihood in addition to the increasingly desperate to maintain its existence since the end of the century -20.

Dancers clothes gandrung also have differences with other Javanese dances. it can be seen from the use of headgear or a crown called "Omprok" made of tanned buffalo leather and given a colored ornaments and red and gold ornaments given Antasena figures, human-headed son of Bima but bodied giant snakes and cover the entire hair gandrung dancers

Dance gandrung still survive today and become an icon of the city of Banyuwangi with the title "City of Gandrung". Along with the development of dance gandrung now always used in traditional ceremonies Banyuwangi community, such as weddings, circumcisions, even welcoming important guests or other important events.


Osing tribe is a tribe located in East Java, to be exact in Banyuwangi. The word "Osing" in Indonesian means "No". So there is an anecdote that tells of the existence of the Osing itself, when strangers ask that you banyuwangi the Balinese or Javanese? they replied with the word "Osing" which means not both.

Osing tribe is also called the "Wong Blambangan", because the majority of the population is indigenous tribe Osing Banyuwangi.
Osing tribes occupy many districts in Banyuwangi, such as subdistrict Rogojampi, Singojuruh subdistrict, subdistrict Sempu, subdistrict Glagah, Kalipuro subdistrict, subdistrict Giri, Songgon subdistrict, Banyuwangi subdistrict, and central and northern parts. Osing tribe has a community called "Wong Osing" which means the natives banyuwangi.

Osing tribe has a language that is unique and different from the Java language called "Bahasa Osing". Osing Bahasa is a derivative of the ancient Javanese language as the language of Bali

Osing tribe originally Hindu-Buddhist religions. after the Islamic religion into parts Banyuwangi Osing until now predominantly Muslim. but the Hindu-Buddhist tradition is still found in traditional ceremonies but combined with Islamic law, such as the ceremony of "Selamatan Desa", "Petik Laut", and others. The majority work as farmers are Osing tribe, some trade, and a government employee.

Osing tribe has a lot of traditional art that is unique and everything is still undeniably mystical, like "Gandrung Dance", "Patrol", "Seblang", "Janger", "Jaranan", "Barong Dance", etc.  

Banyuwangi also has a traditional village Osing called "Desa Wisata Osing". The village is located in Kemiren village, Banyuwangi subdistrict Glagah. in this village we could see activity Osing Tribe which still survive to this day, such as Culturally, ceremonies, even Osing traditional house are still found in this village. 

Javanese "Suku Jawa"

The Javanese are the tribe that are in most of the island of Java, including Central Java, Yogyakarta, and East Java. The Javanese are the largest tribe in Indonesia. Approximately 41% of the population are ethnic Javanese. Javanese also located in Central America, precisely in Suriname. Javanese in Suriname is called the "Java Suriname". Javanese also has many sub-sub tribe such as "Osing", "Tengger", "Bawean", etc.
 In outline Javanese culture is divided into three Banyumasan culture, culture of Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java culture. Javanese culture prioritizes balance, harmony and harmony in their daily lives. Javanese culture upholds the modesty and simplicity. Some of them are Javanese culture "Wayang Kulit", "Batik", "Kris", and "Gamelan". Javanese culture is famous for his art is mainly influenced by the Hindu-Buddhist religion.

Javanese beliefs as a religion called "Javanese". This belief is mainly based on animism with Hindu-Buddhist influences are strong. Javanese syncretism is also famous for the nature of all foreign cultures are absorbed and interpreted in accordance with the values ​​of Java. But most of the rest are Muslim Javanese tribe is Catholic, Protestant, Hindu and Buddhist.

Javanese mostly using Java language in everyday speak. Java language has rules of vocabulary and intonation differences based on the relationship between the speaker and the listener, which is known as the "Unggah-Ungguh".

The majority of Javanese are farmers. While in urban areas they work as civil servants, employees, traders, businessmen, and others.


Jamu is a cultural heritage that exist in Indonesia for generations. Jamu is a traditional medicine that is very popular in Indonesia especially Javanese. Jamu made ​​from ingredients taken from plants such as roots applied, stem bark, leaves, and fruit.
This Jamu is very bitter taste but very effective in curing the disease, and also as a potent drug for men. although it is very bitter but the bitter taste that can be neutralized by giving honey or processed from Jamu are also called "Sinom".

Jamu initially sold with the way in "Gendong" is to bring a few bottles of Jamu in containers similar to "Bakul" and put it in the back of the Jamu seller. Jamu subsequently carried around the village or town. 

But along with the development Jamu are now widely sold in herbal medicine stalls and found very few sellers "Jamu Gendong"

In general, Jamu do not cause side effects, because herbs are made from natural ingredients. efficacy of Jamu has been proven over hundreds of years ago. There are many types of herbs that exist to this day. Among them:
  1. Jamu Beras Kencur  : Jamu Beras Kencur can eliminate fatigue after a day of activities. so that by taking these Jamu in guarantee the body will feel fresh again. Jamu Beras Kencur also can relieve a cough illness.
  2. Jamu Sinom : Sinom Jamu can be regarded as a drink "Adem-ademan" or refreshments body. After drinking Jamu guaranteed Sinom body will feel cold. Sinom Jamu can also cure heat in or sprue
  3. Jamu Cabe Puyang : Cabe Puyang Jamu can be interpreted by Jamu aching rheumatic pain because it can treat joint pain and the like. 
and many other Jamu with different properties and no less great.     

Traditional Society

Traditional society is a society that still use mores in running day-to-day life. Mores is a rule that is sourced from the ancestors for generations and include any conception of culture systems that govern human action or behavior in social life. Traditional society includes everything that is traditional as traditional ceremony, traditional clothes, traditional food, etc. 
Right now there are still many traditional societies that still survive in the modern era in the world. they are not affected by the changing times and maintain heritage.  

The following are characteristics of traditional society:
  1. Essentially social organization based on the mores form according to tradition.  
  2. Relationships within the family and the local community is very strong. 
  3. There are no specialized institutions to provide education in the field of technology. Skills passed on by parents to their children while practicing with a bit of theory and experience and there is no thought or experimental results. 
  4. Strong belief against the supernatural forces that affect human life, but it can be mastered by it. 
  5. Unwritten law, not complex, and the subjects are known and understood by all members of the community who've grown. 
  6. Economic and social activities that require the cooperation of many traditionally done by mutual aid or not in the context of a cooperative relationship between labor and employers. 
  7. Covers most of the economic production for their own family or for a small local market, while the money as a means of exchange and price gauges are very limited role. 
  8. relatively high levels of illiteracy.  
In Indonesia that the country has one of the Traditional society. Almost every island in Indonesia, including Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua, and others still have a traditional society. all of it has been retained to augment and enrich the cultural values ​​in Indonesia.